Thursday, December 31, 2009

Questions of Creation (part 3)

Origin of Title: Does anyone really know how or why Christianity was created? Is there even any solid or some what plausible evidence that a man named Jesus who people believe was the son of God walked on this earth? I will attempt to explore Christianity and why it became popular with many cultures around the world in this series of 4 blogs...

Part 3

Everyone has heard the tale of the tortoise and the hare. Why has this story been pasted down through the generations? How did it survive over hundreds of years mostly unchanged? It has survived because it teaches a moral and more importantly conveys these morals to others in an interesting way. It has been pasted on to millions of people in an effort to impose these morals on others…but the genius of the story is that it imposes these morals without the receipted realizing it. A form of propaganda if you will. You may think I am crazy to suggest this innocent story is a form of propaganda, probably because this term has been widely used in a negative sense. In truth, the definition of propaganda is;

1. information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.  Source

So as you can see the story of the tortoise and the hare is a form of propaganda. It is “ideas” deliberately spread widely to help a movement. The movement being the moral it was created to convey. So…why am I discussing this old fable in the first place? Simple…because the Bible was created in the same way and for the same reasons as this innocent story.

As you already know from my previous parts of this blog series, people were suspicious about this man named Jesus. What better way to change peoples mind about things and spread the word than through propaganda. Why not? Hitler did it to convert millions of people into Nazis. The United States did it to convince the American people that we were winning the Vietnam War. The bible was written to convey messages of morals. The small group of low class citizens that believed that Jesus was in fact the son of God wanted other to believe this also. They wanted followers and the way they acquired them was by writing and distributing what is now know as the Bible which is also, in a broad sense, a form of propaganda. Some of you are probably thinking I am crazy by now…the truth is, I just want the facts. Did a man named Jesus walk on this earth spreading a new class of morals that people believed in? Probably. Was he the son of God? Probably not.

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